Divorce does Not
Define You.
You Do!

Learn how to change your story of failure and shame
to one of freedom and endless possibilities.

I can show you how.

I've been where you are
You're not alone - 

Let's do this together.

Did You Know...

Divorced Mother of Three Beautiful Children
Bachelors of Arts, Interpersonal Communications
Certified Life & Divorce Coach
Speaker, Author and Advocate for Living Your Best Life  

meet your
c o a c h

Hi! I'm Samantha

"Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don't."

Steve maraboli

Oprah winfrey

"You define your life.
Don't let other people
write your script."

napoleon hill

"Every adversity, every failure and every heartbreak carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit."

Psalm 46:10

beliefs that inspire

Make Peace with Their New Reality.

Create and Implement Realistic Coping Strategies Successfully.

Identify Key Players when Building a Support Team.

Approach the Legal Process Confidently.

Set Appropriate Boundaries and Expectations.

Lean into Their Faith for Guidance.

I help Divorcing People...

Work with samantha

Divorce Doesn't have to be Difficult When you Know How to Manage The Process.

Let's get started!

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