My Story!

And, So Are Yours!

Even Now As a Divorced Woman,
I Believe My Possibilities are Endless.


When I married for time and all eternity, I never anticipated getting divorced.

Divorce wasn't even a consideration. And yet, here I am - a single, divorced woman and an active LDS woman at that! Many religious cultures have strong teachings and positions when it comes to divorce. Divorce can be viewed as a "failure" of sorts. 

And yet, I see it very differently. This is because of the intentionality I created as part of my divorce experience.

Intentionality is key. When I realized my divorce was inevitable, I decided to look at this ending as "the next step" in my evolution. I decided that life, as a divorcee, was going to be full of new possibilities! I decided to create attitudes and experiences that would help me live life in a richer, deeper, more complete way. 

Additionally, during my divorce that I came to learn that being divorced has nothing to do with my spiritual value. I am 100% worthy of the love and peace of my all-knowing God. Happily, I now know and believe that my possibilities are endless, My divorce has is transition that works for me, rather than against me.

What if this could be true for you as well?  It can be, if you let it! The choices is yours. It always has been!

Even Now... 
As a Divorced Woman,

I Believe My Possibilities
Are Endless!

And, So Are Yours!




serve.  Support.  Inspire.

Make decisions from a place of faith and confidence rather than from fear and insecurity.

                Are you experiencing feelings of...
                               failure, shame, uncertainty, unworthiness and insecurity?

                                       Let me assure you...

                                               You're normal. This is part of the divorce process.

Why I am Here

Fun facts

About Me

My favorite activity

My favorite People

Bucket list item

Time with family & friends!

Hike the Napali Coast Line

My three grown children.

things I enjoy

Chips & Salsa

Diet Coke


words to live by

"It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings." 

Meister Eckhart

I love travel

While visiting Peru, we spent time at the Maccu Pichu ruins and attempted to learn the ancient weaving traditions from the Quechuan people who reside in the Andes Mountains.

Our children bonded by playing simple clapping games together.

Maccu Pichu & Acha Alta, Peru

I love affirmations 

Always believe that you are the magic behind your amazingness. 

Be Your Own Cheerleader

I love running

Taking care of myself is a win-win scenario. 

Mind, Body, Sprit Connection

I love Diet Coke!

Know What You Love!

My Favorite Cold Drink...

*  Diet Coke  *
*  Add Lime  -  Easy Ice  *

I love Diet Coke

I love adventure

Bucket List Item

If it doesn't scare you a little bit, it's probably not worth doing. 

I love family

My People

I am the fourth daughter our of six children.
My siblings are my
best friends!

I'm here to equip you with the tools
and the mindset to get you out of
overwhelm and into action.

Come and see how making small shifts in perspective can realign your entire divorce experience.

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