learn from me

Educating yourself about divorce requires an investment of time and attention.
When compared to the price of ignorance, it's a small price to pay.

The positions and opinions provided here do not constitute legal advice. Consult with your attorney when making decisions which carry legal implications. 

Resources for You

Coaching is a Beacon of Light in the midst of the storm

When my world started falling apart, I realized that I needed lean on God and the experience of other divorcees.

At times, I experienced feelings of isolation, overwhelm and loneliness.
I quickly realized that having the right support system in place was crucial.

Not everyone understands divorce. Knowing I could speak candidly with other divorcees, made my difficult days feel just a little bit easier.

It was then that I decided that providing unparalleled support 
to others, during their time of need, would become my highest priority.

Divorcing people need
divorced people!

Pass it Along!

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